Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023

47,55  incl. VAT

SKU: Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023 Category:

Product Description

Da bi aktivirali produkt, potrebno je da downloadujete instalirate Photoshop elements tako što odaberete odgovarajuću verziju (Windows, Mac) sa sljedećeg linka

Nakon instalacije, pokrenite Photoshop elements i logujte se sa vašim Adobe accountom. Odaberite opciju “Activate now”, unesite ključ koji ste kupili od nas, te kliknite na “Next”. Ovim je aktivacijski proces završen.


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Buying original secondary licenses is simple, fast and secure

We guarantee a 30-day money back guarantee and a two-year warranty

After purchasing the software


We will send you a license key with installation instructions by email


You download the software to your device


You enter the license key and activate it


And that is all! You will now be able to use your software to the fullest

Frequently asked questions
and answers

Read here

How to recognize the original license key, or how does resale work?

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